Anyway today's outfit is yet another on loan from Melody. This must be what it's like to have a stylist source you freebies. Yay!! I am loving these Leona Edminston dresses!! I will certainly be paying a visit to her store soon - that woman knows how to make a fine fitting frock.
I am looking rather sour in this picture despite my sunny surrounds. This is my this-will-do pic after trying several times to get the right lighting, background, dropping the camera, etc. I could not take a reasonable photo today ... my only case of Mondayitis was with my camera so it ain't all bad.
This is the pic of the fabric - so pretty. I felt all swishy and girly today (except when I struggling with the camera).
Now then, this is the last week to get your donations in, so please please please be generous, head to and use my registration number 680068.
beautiful pattern!