Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day #13 Frocktober

Another day and yet another season ..maybe. I actually didn't see much of the outside today as I was either glued to my screen or in meetings. But I did think a little colour was the order of the day.

Red knit with high-waisted denim skirt, purple fishnets and purple ballet shoes. I was also inspired by the lovely Ms @tephdee and donned a head scarf.

That's all I got for you today. I'm off to MTUB and will be sticking my hand out to collect $$ for the cause.

Nearing the half way point now... mini-squee

Maryann xx


  1. I love your fashion! So stylish.

  2. Thank you Toni!! Your pics of your outfits look so awesome.

    I can only manage harrasing my colleagues to take pics with my iPhone :P

    Will be using your blog for inspiration now xx
